Bloggers of Latina girls in their teens

As a statistical party, mature Latina ladies are disproportionately at hazard for Hiv and other persistent disorders. They are among the adult populations in the us that are growing the fastest. In order to create interventions and promote society conditions that support health, prevent disease and disability, and enable planning for the future, it is essential to comprehend how they establish effective aging given their varied experiences.

Kimberly Guerra shares quotes and motivational speeches on her empowering social media platform, Brown Badass Bonita, in an effort to show Latina women that they are all at once wonderful, strong, and worthy. Subsequently, by selling t-shirts and different handmade goods with the same text, she gives them the means to live those phrases.

Another indication of a female celebrity who is dispelling online stereotypes is Dominican-american stand-up actor Sasha Merci. She started posting her short, humorous videos on instagram when she hot ecuadorian women was a performer and quickly rose to fame, amassing over 1.4 million adherents and calculating.

Viva Fifty, a fluent group celebrating living after 50, is run by journalist, author, and yoga instructor Lorraine C. Ladish. She also has a Youtube stream where she posts about her walks, yoga poses, and fashionable clothes. She is just one of many over-50 influencers demonstrating to the world that being intelligent and still awesome is acceptable!

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